Monday, April 29, 2019

Why Image and Sound?

When discussing my project progression with my tutor she advises that I look into Edmund Clark's One Day on a Saturday project which has been presented using photographs and overlapped voice recordings, she suggested that it could be a good way for me to present my work rather than submitting standard prints.

Link to Edmund Clark's One Day on a Saturday project:

After watching the 2 minute extract of this work I decided that not only was I going to create a film using Image and Sound but I will also be submitting the album with all of the photographs that my uncle took throughout this project alongside it. The reason I have chosen to do this is so that people can choose to watch them as a film or they can choose to look through the book and just listen to the recordings of different people such as myself, my family and members of staff talk about our relationships with my Uncle Mark as well as fun stories and how we think that he has become more independent through the years.

The only thing that I didn't particularly enjoy about Edmund Clark's work was his choice to overlap the voices, I found it very difficult to focus on what each person was saying so for me it was very distracting and disorientating. In my film I will experiment with small overlaps to avoid any awkward silences but I plan to keep all of the voices separate so that you can clearly hear each individual persons opinion without any distractions. My reason for doing this is because of the nature of the work, I feel that every opinion has a right to be heard because every opinion matters, especially for a subject as important as this one, but in order to really grab peoples attention and make them listen it has to be singular voices which, for me, will make the film more powerful.

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